Thank you for your interest in Adopt A Family!
Here is a little background information about the history of the Christmas Program from our Executive Director, Cyndee Reed:
“I saw so many people lined up for hours, waiting to turn in their applications, asking for help. I spoke to them. I saw mothers and fathers cry with joy because their children would be happy for Christmas. I also saw their remorse for having to ask. It was a very moving experience for me. In 2012 we facilitated Christmas adoptions for 1174 families through a program I managed at the Volunteer Center of Sacramento, now closed.
Fast forward to now. People know that for many years I have been organizing Christmas for others. They know I managed the Adopt a Family program, worked with the Sheriff’s Operation Santa Claus program, and organized my church’s Christmas Gift Basket program. Donors contact me offering to help families and friends tell me they know someone in need. With just a few volunteers to help and without government funding, we have struggled. Yet with gifts and help from our donors, we make Christmas happen for many needy families. Our outreach currently extends from Elk Grove to Auburn and provides gifts to more than 1,000 children each year.
Knowing the struggle and the help I could get, I knew I needed to either give it up or step in all the way. I am happy to say I decided to apply for a legal assistance grant, and our Adopt a Family Program was selected as the 2017 pro-bono client of a Sacramento legal firm. They understood the number of people this program reaches out to, what the future potential is, and know this is truly a feel-good community outreach organization. They have committed to advise and represent Adopt a Family for three (3) years. With their help, we are now licensed, have our own Non-profit Corporation and Board of Directors.”